Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life...

My first trip to La Cucarita was with Valencia Community College on an international service learning trip; students and professors went under the leadership of Ann Farrell on a 10 day mission where we ran a creative arts camp for the children of the village.

The mission is a two sided process. We give to La Cucarita and we receive just as much in return. During mission trips, reflection times are a crucial part of the learning experience. Every night the mission group will meet and reflect as a group on the feelings of the day; this time is cathartic. When Valencia came in August of 2008, Ingrid, a long term missioner, guided us during the reflection hour. One thing for certain, every single person on this trip was greatly effected and changed forever. We all had new outlooks on life, new growing appreciation, new goals.

Ann told us if appreciation for our own life was all we gained from this trip we were only scratching the surface...

Ingrid said it best with "Welcome to the beginning to the rest of your life."

There really is no going back after an experience like this.

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