Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Who and in what order we define ourselves as says a lot about our priorities in life. One of the first roles I describe in my life to new people is my role as a missioner. I work with the Mission Office in the Diocese of Orlando, and I go on short term missions to La Cucarita, a village in the Dominican Republic. My main goal when I am in Orlando is to help with education preparation for our children who attend the mission schools. When I am in the mission field I spend the majority of my time working with the children, usually teaching English.

The life of a missioner is a continuous learning experience, and I struggle to see what lies ahead for me in the future. This is a life I have always dreamed of, and God granted me a chance to make a real difference in the lives of others. This is my chance to tell their stories; to focus on spreading the inspiration I receive from working with such incredible people.

Since I now define myself as a missioner, I live my life in faith, at least I srtive to. I have seen how hard change and progress is, but I have also seen the power of empowering people.

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