Friday, June 5, 2009

Beauty of their dreams

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

Eleanor Roosevelt

To teach someone to dream is to grant them the gift of believing in a better tomorrow. Dreams are the motivation to strive above the norm. In the case of the mission, an entire village was taught to dream.

Forgotten and God Forsaken

The people of La Cucarita used to say this phrase when describing their village. No one cared for their well being. On their part, only so much effort could be made towards progress in a village that had no resources. I often ask myself why there are people in this world who live in such dismal circumstances. Why am I so blessed in my life while others must suffer?

I believe God has a plan. Struggle and sacrifice build strength. From suffering comes compassion. I do not have all the answers, nor do I claim to. I do know that the people of La Cucarita claim that God has answered their prayers. They have a faith that I admire and a passion for life that I desire.

Maybe God takes those who can withstand such odds and uses them as teachers. While missioners may be sent to help La Cucarita, the people of La Cucarita teach their Western friends invaluable lessons in life, love, and happiness.

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