Monday, June 15, 2009

Joining Hands; a partnership

The Diocese of Orlando created a partnership in 1983 with the Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana in the Dominican Republic. So the mission actually works with the entire diocese, not just La Cucarita. The mission is centered in La Cucarita, but the villages of Los Frios, El Montazo, and La Cueva are all centered in the same vicinity of the mountainside.

An integral part of the work done for the mission field comes from the people in the mission office. Organization and planning are key to success; without the relentless work of the mission office team the work done in the Dominican Republic would not be possible. There are so many wonderful people involved throughout the mission itself; when I meet a fellow missioner, I am meeting an instant friend. We both have the same wants and goals for the people of the Dominican Republic, and we both have an understanding of the immense work needed to get there.

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