Friday, June 5, 2009

Bienvenido a La Cucarita

When the mission first came to La Cucarita the village was destitute.

Children were dying from malnutrition. Sickness from unsuitable drinking water plagued the people often. Overall health was alarming. The school system was a mockery; classes were in session three days a week at best. Homes were made of scrap metal with dirt floors providing little protection from the torrential rains of the summer. Children looked to their future with bleak acceptance. Boys knew their destiny lied in farming the rough mountainous land. Girls either by choice or force were usually married with children by 13 years of age. Dreams were nonexistent.

Imagine a child without the ability to dream...

Fast forward seven years, enter a thriving village full of possibility where the children are now telling their families, "I am going to be a doctor/ a teacher/ an engineer/ the president of the Dominican Republic."

Accepting their bleak futures is no longer the attitude up in the mountains. Together with their diligence and determination, we will make their dreams a reality.

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